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I like your focus on the *cause* of climate change: oil, coal, and gas, or what I call "the flesh of the Dead God" .... a lot of "climate guys" focus a lot on atmospheric dynamics and weather, but don't really know anything specifically about the materials at fault. I see a lot of people who, without interrogating these beliefs, seem to believe both that transitioning to solar/wind is 1) impossible right now but 2) inevitable in the future.

Starting with 2, they seem to think that we will "run out" of fossil fuels, as if we're still operating under the peak-oil theory of the 90s. No, reserves are ample, more than enough to turn the earth into a copy of Venus before they run out.

On 1, they have a completely ahistorical and apolitical version of the inevitability of the rise of fossil fuels. They don't understand that the history of the 20th century was about covert and overt operations to make American oil companies ascendant on the world stage. They don't understand power the way that you do (when you explain that the fossil fuel companies advertise in papers). This is why I put so much effort into writing the history of petroleum. And since they don't understand that, they don't understand what the political effort to dethrone these petro-dictators would have to look like.



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